ggm Nonprofit Consulting LLC


Leadership and Management Ideas You Can Use

The High Value Board

Our sense of what it means to be a high performing nonprofit Board focus on how well the Board performs—not what it provides. But active and engaged do not always equate to being useful.

Is your Board providing as much value as it can to your organization? Let’s find out. . .

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Five Myths About Nonprofit Boards

We expect nonprofit Boards to render wise decisions, guide strategy and raise money. When they fail to so so, we assume the problem is that they need more—Members, training, engagement. The real problem is unrealistic expectations—myths­­—about what Boards should be doing. What are these myths and why are so destructive?

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Encouraging Dissent

Dissent is more than disagreement; it opposes power. Dissenters must confront fears about speaking up and accept the risks that those fears may well be realized. Managers have their own fears about dissent—having to justify themselves, feeling that their authority is being challenged. Nothing about dissent is easy. And yet dissent is an enormously powerful tool for good. Here’s how you can do more to encourage it—

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Preparing for Financial Uncertainty in 2021

Looking ahead at 2021, income uncertainty is off the charts. The pandemic, recession, stock market volatility, government shortfalls, election and evolving foundation and donor priorities are combining to create as unpredictable a funding environment as we’ve ever seen. With budget planning season fast approaching, many nonprofits have an extraordinary challenge on their hands. Here's what you can do:

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