
Leadership and Management Ideas You Can Use

Posts in Finance & HR
Preparing for Financial Uncertainty in 2021

Looking ahead at 2021, income uncertainty is off the charts. The pandemic, recession, stock market volatility, government shortfalls, election and evolving foundation and donor priorities are combining to create as unpredictable a funding environment as we’ve ever seen. With budget planning season fast approaching, many nonprofits have an extraordinary challenge on their hands. Here's what you can do:

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Talking Finances with Your Board

As the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly remakes our world, nonprofits are grappling with the financial turmoil. Unfortunately, many Boards of Directors are poorly positioned to collaborate with staff leadership in guiding their organizations forward. Often, the only time Boards are accustomed to focusing on the future is when they approve a budget. The rest of the year, they look backwards, receiving financial reports for past periods and comparing them to an ever more dated budget. This reinforce a deep divide between what the Board is paying attention to and what is important. Here’s how you can narrow the gap. 

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This Isn’t Teleworking

You and your team were not sent home to telework; you were sent home to avoid spreading a virus, to take care of loved ones, to teach children and to physically distance from everyone else in your communities. As a manager, the work that your team is able to accomplish under these circumstances depends primarily on your ability to recognize these challenges and to adapt. Here's what you can do…

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Better Financial Decision-Making with a Monthly Cash Flow Projection

Many nonprofit leaders equate financial decision-making with passing an annual budget.  The idea is that once the budget is passed, their job is just to implement. Unfortunately, this breaks down when the expectations and assumptions underlying the budget turn out to be inaccurate or incomplete. Ongoing financial choices requires another tool—the Monthly Cash Flow Projection.  

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Four Types of Restricted Funds

Many nonprofits rely to a significant extent on contributions or grants intended for specific purposes, known as restricted funds. Nonprofit accounting places great importance on distinguishing between restricted and unrestricted funds to ensure that the donor intent embodied by the restrictions is respected. Whether viewed from a legal, ethical or accounting perspective, this is all well and good. 

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The Real Value of Your Budget

The annual budget presents a nonprofit’s financial plan for of an uncertain future by setting both limits and goals.  The limits in a budget are expressed as authorized expenses.  Some budget goals are incorporated into those authorized expenses, either implicitly or explicitly contingent on future events.  Other goals show up as income lines as projections of what amounts of revenue are hoped for from different revenue streams.  The combination is essential but confusing, which is one reason many nonprofits are not able to maximize the value of their budgets.    

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The Core Funding Approach—For Better Financial Management

Restricted income is the lifeblood of many nonprofits.  Smart organizations steward that income carefully, making sure that funds are allocated only to appropriate expenses.  Knowing whether funds are restricted or unrestricted is a critical accounting distinction.  But from a financial management perspective, that distinction is far less meaningful and may even be confusing. 

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